Saturday, 7 April 2012

The Hope of Easter

On one of our morning gabfests on TV on Friday, they did a story detailing the amount of money spent on chocolate and alcoholic beverages over the Easter Holiday.  The host then stated "well, that's what Easter is about". 

Well, no, it's not.  Easter is about something that had never happened before, and hasn't happened since: a man came back from the dead.  And, not just death, but probably the most violent form of death ever known to man.

But, it's not the death we celebrate on Easter, but the life.  We celebrate Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.  We celebrate our life, the fact that we can live it now as our maker intended, free from sin and in fellowship with Him.  We celebrate hope.

Some people celebrated hope in November of 2008, when Barack Obama was elected president of the United States, but four years later, he hasn't brought hope to fruition.  But the Man we celebrate this Sunday does bring true hope.  Only He can.  The fact that He rose from the dead means that we can, too.  It means in Him is life and if we believe and walk with Him, we'll always have life.

Jesus's resurrection is final proof that there is more to this life than just what we see, what we experience, have, eat and drink.  And, yeah, it's a celebration, and so there will be eating and drinking going on, but it's not about the chokkies and grog.  It's more than that, and I feel truly sorry for that host and others like him because they will get full and drunk, and tomorrow, they will wake up right where they were, in hopelessness, with Jesus right behind them, saying "come".  He stands there in your life, fresh from the grave, alive in a way we can't comprehend, and He says to us "come".  This is the true hope of Easter.

Happy Easter to you.  He is risen, Alleluia!

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